Research Based Urban Water Security ProgramsNEER Infinite is an urban water security program developed by a Bangalore based NGO Watergy-Alttech Foundation. The program has been conceived and designed under the guidance of the Global Water Expert & Thought Leader Dr Bhakti Devi also popularly known as Urban Water Doctor.
NEER Infinite program was developed after an intensive 6 month end user research that interviewed and surveyed several residents and residential apartment building associations in Bangalore to understand the nature of the water challenge they faced. Key findings of the research were in relation to Residents of Apartment Building's level of awareness and severity of their challenges
4. Most of the times the Apartment Associations are unable to arrive at a consensus on what actions to take to secure the building's water future
5. Bigger the gated community greater the diversity of views and therefore greater the difficulty in arriving at a consensus 6. In cases when the apartment association members did arrive at an agreement and consensus about what water action to take for their building, the execution of those solutions were poor because the residents did not know who are the high quality solution providers, how to contact them and what specifications to give them. NEER Infinite programs were therefore developed to help residents of apartment buildings develop a deeper awareness and understanding of how the water system works within their building and what is the suite of solutions that need to be implemented to make the building self sufficient with respect to water.
Once they have registered for any of the programs, NEER Infinite also provides consistent on-going support to the Apartment Building residents in their journey to becoming water self sufficient. |
NEER Infinite:
NEER Infinite: Water Security Execution
Speaking Engagement & Water Awareness Sessions
Liveable Layout Program for water sensitive neighbourhoods |